The AVC “Baus”

Brooke, Aniworld Veterinary Clinic #AVCKingCat is the boss of the Clinic. Brooke, the Resident Cat has a power personality, a calm demeanor and kingly gait. He is just a year old. The Baus is never in a hurry & chooses…

Dr. Marsden Onsare
Veterinary Surgeon

There are few if at all as passionate about animals as Dr. Marsden. His love for animals is evident in the way he handles and takes care of them. Since his child hood Dr. Marsden has displayed closeness with animals that can only be explained by the level of empathy, dedication and skill he exhibits around them. He owns a 3 year old female German shepherd called Linda.

Ms. Juliet Obaga Nyang’ai
Company Secretary

Wakili is an astute animal welfare advocate and lover. She has researched and written multiple blogs on animal welfare. She owns a 9 year old terrier cross; Fluffy Obaga, two African Grey Parrots; Sapphire and Rembo Zeze, a land turtle; Gray, two terrapins and two cats. Her love for animals is simply undisputable.

Mr Anthony Juma
Professional Dog Handler

Anthony Juma is the AVC Professional Dog Handler. Having worked in the security sector for a long time and having a gentle spirit, Anthony can work with both security and pet animals. The animals simply love him.